Jury nullification instructions coming to New Hampshire?; Why a contested Republican convention will not produce a third-party challenge; Divorcing lesbian mother ordered not to talk to children about religion or homosexuality; Top Minnesota faculty committee backs free speech resolution; New research paper on Israel’s borders and international law;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Jury nullification instructions coming to New Hampshire?
Last week, the N.H. lower house passed a bill that would require courts to instruct jurors about jury nullification -- the jurors' power to refuse to convict even when they think all the elements of the crime have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
Why a contested Republican convention will not produce a third-party challenge
Why a contested Republican convention will not produce a third-party challenge.
Divorcing lesbian mother ordered not to talk to children about religion or homosexuality
Fortunately, the Washington Court of Appeals has reversed the trial court decision, holding that the order violates the First Amendment.
Top Minnesota faculty committee backs free speech resolution
"Even when protecting free speech conflicts with other important University values, free speech must be paramount."
New research paper on Israel’s borders and international law
A new research article shows that under the universal rules that determine the borders of new states, Israel upon its creation have included the West Bank and Gaza.
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