D.C. Circuit Buries Supreme Court Precedent; Indianapolis talk on “Upholding the Rule of Law In Times of Crisis” this Thursday; A tip of the hat to Matthew Chan, whose call helped us uncover the many suspicious Internet takedown cases; Many thanks to Giles Miller of Lynx Insights & Investigations;
The Volokh Conspiracy
D.C. Circuit Buries Supreme Court Precedent
Scalia’s dissent in the independent counsel case is treated as the precedent.
Indianapolis talk on “Upholding the Rule of Law In Times of Crisis” this Thursday
i'll be Indianapolis this Thursday for a public lecture.
A tip of the hat to Matthew Chan, whose call helped us uncover the many suspicious Internet takedown cases
I wouldn't have noticed any of what Paul Alan Levy and I blogged about this morning if Chan hadn't been willing to fight for free speech on principle.
Many thanks to Giles Miller of Lynx Insights & Investigations
His help was tremendously useful for my research on the questionable Internet takedown cases.
Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström win Nobel Prize in Economics
"Why are there firms?" For a long time, economists haven't had a really good answer to this question. Oliver Hart's contribution is the "property rights" theory of the firm.
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