Did President Lincoln defy a court order by Chief Justice Taney?; Justice Kagan’s beautiful remarks at the Antonin Scalia Law School dedication; Progressives push to strip groups of nonprofit status for opposing administration foreign policy; What is the intent requirement of the Fourth Amendment?;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Did President Lincoln defy a court order by Chief Justice Taney?
Debunking the conventional understanding of the facts and holding of Ex parte Merryman
Remotely accessing an IP address inside a target computer is a search
A follow-up to my earlier post on the Playpen warrant.
Justice Kagan’s beautiful remarks at the Antonin Scalia Law School dedication
On Thursday, my law school held a dedication ceremony, attended by six Supreme Court justices, honoring the renaming of George Mason University's law school as the Antonin Scalia Law School.
Progressives push to strip groups of nonprofit status for opposing administration foreign policy
J Street and others critical of Israel are lobbying the administration to revoke the 501(c)(3) status of charities that support Israeli settlements, on the grounds that it contradicts the administration's foreign policy and view of international law. By that standard, groups that oppose the Iraq War, or any U.S. war, should also lose their tax status. But it is understood this unconstitutional abuse of power should only apply to pro-Israel groups.
What is the intent requirement of the Fourth Amendment?
For a Fourth Amendment "search" to occur, is it only the government's act that matters, or is there also a purpose requirement for the government's act? In a new decision, the 11th Circuit identifies a circuit split on this question and defends its side of the split.
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