More holiday book recommendations for 2016; Should there be more or fewer immigrants from Muslim countries to the U.S.?; Fake news and the law, from 1798 to now; The death penalty ‘courtesy’ stay has disappeared already;
The Volokh Conspiracy
More holiday book recommendations for 2016
Two books for our times -- one fiction, one nonfiction.
Should there be more or fewer immigrants from Muslim countries to the U.S.?
Dutch politician Geert Wilders has just been convicted of a crime for asking the Dutch analog to that question.
Fake news and the law, from 1798 to now
"Can it be tolerated in any civilized society that any should be permitted with impunity to tell falsehoods to the people, with an express intention to deceive them ... ?"
The death penalty ‘courtesy’ stay has disappeared already
The death penalty and the "Shadow Docket."
Second Amendment challenge to New York state stun gun ban
Just filed over the weekend in federal district court.
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