A preelection Trumpalooza; I’m with her (and with Orin), too; Comparing Clinton and Trump; Federal court blocks Colorado ‘ballot selfie’ ban;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Cuss near church, go to jail (if it's "fighting words"). A cautionary tale and more in this week’s circuit court roundup.
A preelection Trumpalooza
A handy guide to Volokh Conspiracy posts on the worst major-party presidential nominee of my lifetime. Our collective case against Trump.
I’m with her (and with Orin), too
If you're voting for Donald Trump in order to "send a message," please consider the consequences
Comparing Clinton and Trump
Here's a common argument made in defense of Donald Trump, and why I am not persuaded.
Federal court blocks Colorado ‘ballot selfie’ ban
The Colorado banned people from showing their filled-in ballots -- including the mail-in ballots used by most Coloradans -- to anyone. The court stressed, though, that its decision doesn't authorize people to take selfies in physical polling places.
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