Academic research on police shootings and race; How does privatization affect liability?; Upcoming talks on the politics of “Star Wars” and “Star Trek”; Is the overthrow of a democratically elected government ever justified?; Separating fact from fiction about the Cuyahoga River fire(s);
The Volokh Conspiracy
Academic research on police shootings and race
Recent studies complicate the favored media meme of white cops oppressing black subjects.
How does privatization affect liability?
Two recent Supreme Court cases -- Campbell-Ewald v. Gomez and Sheriff v. Gillie -- have interesting things to say about privatization and the liability of government contractors.
Upcoming talks on the politics of “Star Wars” and “Star Trek”
Upcoming talks on the politics of our two most famous science fiction franchises.
Is the overthrow of a democratically elected government ever justified?
The failed Turkish coup raises the question of whether the forcible overthrow of a democratically elected government can ever be justified. In some circumstances, the answer is "yes."
Separating fact from fiction about the Cuyahoga River fire(s)
The 1969 fire was not much of an event, and Cleveland's not the only city to have a river burn.
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Mugshots, nightclub scams, and more, including a very interesting (and rare) case granting habeas corpus because prosecutors failed to turn over an alleged rape victim's psychiatric record.
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