A possible strategy for reducing voter ignorance about downballot races; Upcoming debate on same-sex marriage at the University of Chicago Law School; Prof. Michael McConnell on Zubik Religious Freedom Restoration Act-contraceptive mandate oral argument; Emory students feeling ‘pain’ from ‘Trump 2016′ chalked on campus sidewalks; Dateline: Shushan, Persian Empire, 600 BCE;
The Volokh Conspiracy
A possible strategy for reducing voter ignorance about downballot races
My thoughts on an interesting new website that seeks to educate voters about downballot races.
Upcoming debate on same-sex marriage at the University of Chicago Law School
I will be debating Sherif Girgis, a leading critic of same-sex marriage and the Supreme court decision striking down state laws banning it.
To boldly go where no copyright suit has gone before
Why is Paramount suing the producers of the "Star Trek" fan film "Axanar" for copyright infringement?
Prof. Michael McConnell on Zubik Religious Freedom Restoration Act-contraceptive mandate oral argument
Prof. Michael McConnell -- in my view, one of the two top Religion Clauses scholars in the country -- was kind enough to pass along these thoughts about the Zubik v. Burwell oral argument, and I thought it was very much worth passing along in turn.
Emory students feeling ‘pain’ from ‘Trump 2016′ chalked on campus sidewalks
Robby Soave (Reason) has the details.
Dateline: Shushan, Persian Empire, 600 BCE
The ancient debate over how Jewish students should address the threat from Haman.
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