What is the intent requirement of the Fourth Amendment?; Some questions for the candidates, please; 2017 Originalism Works in Progress Conference roster; Federal court rules that state discrimination against Syrian refugees is illegal national origin discrimination;
The Volokh Conspiracy
What is the intent requirement of the Fourth Amendment?
For a Fourth Amendment "search" to occur, is it only the government's act that matters, or is there also a purpose requirement for the government's act? In a new decision, the 11th Circuit identifies a circuit split on this question and defends its side of the split.
Some questions for the candidates, please
I'd like to see these questions asked at the next presidential debate.
2017 Originalism Works in Progress Conference roster
University of San Diego Orginalism Center's premier originalism event announces its presenters.
Federal court rules that state discrimination against Syrian refugees is illegal national origin discrimination
An important appellate court decision rules that an Indiana policy denying benefits to Syrian refugees is illegal national origin discrimination.
Vice presidents matter more than you might think
Tonight's vice presidential debate may not matter much. But vice presidents themselves do.
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