Supreme Court dismisses Nebraska-Oklahoma lawsuit against pot legalization in Colorado; Interesting home-schooling family court case; Obama irony alert: The Supreme Court should be above politics; New Jersey court: Distributing vulgar flyer about coworker and wife not criminal ‘harassment’;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Supreme Court dismisses Nebraska-Oklahoma lawsuit against pot legalization in Colorado
The Supreme Court dismisses a dubious lawsuit claiming that Colorado's legalization of marijuana violates federal law. The outcome is an important victory for constitutional federalism.
What happened when Merrick Garland wrote for himself
A look at Judge Garland's rare concurrences and dissents may offer a peek into his judicial philosophy and what he would do on the Supreme Court.
Interesting home-schooling family court case
Mother had sole custody of her 12-year-old daughter, and wanted to home-school. Father, whose custody rights had been suspended, wanted the child sent to public school; so did the child's court-appointed lawyer, and the trial court agreed. But the Pennsylvania appellate court reversed.
Obama irony alert: The Supreme Court should be above politics
President Obama, who has engaged in more direct political combat with the Supreme Court than any president since FDR, says that the Supreme Court should be above politics.
New Jersey court: Distributing vulgar flyer about coworker and wife not criminal ‘harassment’
Otherwise, "criminal harassment would curb speech ranging from a person submitting a Facebook post excoriating an ex-lover for cheating, to the creation of offensive political flyers criticizing a city council member."
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