As I observed the young man struggling to locate the reading in his Ukrainian Bible, my heart sank. How difficult it must be to adjust to a new culture and language, I thought. But then Sergei reached for his phone and I saw, instantaneously, the pastor’s words appear in Ukrainian text on the screen. Google Translate delivered! Sergei followed the sermon with a smile and an occasional nod. Through a technological wonder God had found a way for His child to hear His Word preached far from home.
God is masterful at making a way where there seems to be none. When Moses and over a million people found themselves trapped between the Red Sea ahead and the Egyptian army behind, “He divided the sea”, as the Psalmist said (Psalm 78:13). Later, when the Israelites were lost in the wilderness, God guided them “with cloud by day . . . and fire all night” (v. 14). When they were dying of thirst, He “brought streams out of a rocky crag” (v. 16). In every seeming impossibility, God made a way for His people. What a beautiful demonstration of His love for them.
Circumstances can leave us feeling trapped and despairing. Don’t lose hope. Remember how much God loves you and know that you can trust Him. He continues to do “marvellous things” (v. 12) for us, His people today, for God knows no dead ends!