Transparency International's weekly newsletter and supplement to our Daily Corruption News, 19 January 2018

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Hi there,

Three months have passed since journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was brutally assassinated when a car bomb placed under her car exploded as she drove away from her home in Bidnija, Malta. A specialist in investigating corruption, she courageously worked to uncover how politicians and others hide illicit wealth behind secret companies.

Unfortunately, justice is yet to be had for her death. Vigils were held this week in her honour, reminding us that her legacy continues and those who expose and fight corruption must be protected, not attacked.

We have immense respect for those who shine a light on corruption and put their safety on the line for the greater good, such as Daphne. But her murder is not an isolated case. In 2017 a total of 44 journalists were killed for doing their jobs.

We continue to demand that the Maltese authorities bring her killers to justice. We are also calling on the UN to take greater steps to protect investigative journalists who play a vital role in making the world less corrupt.

News from Transparency International

International Anti-Corruption Conference

The theme for the 18th edition of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is announced

The IACC team is pleased to announce the theme for the next IACC: Together for Development, Peace, and Security: Now is the Time to Act. The theme of the #18IACC reflects the priorities that the global anti-corruption movement needs to tackle. You can read the full rationale here.

The #18IACC will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 22 to 24 October 2018. Call for proposals will open on 15 February!

Anti-Corruption Agencies

Why anti-corruption agencies matter - Part 2

In the second of two articles, Transparency International sat down with Iqbal Mahmood, chairman of the Bangladesh Anti-Corruption Commission to discuss the importance and role of anti-corruption agencies.

Whistleblowing films

7 movies about whistleblowers that you cannot miss

Some great films have been made that bring the experiences of whistleblowers to life. Here are the seven best films about whistleblowers that we’ve seen. Let us know if we’ve missed a great one!


Corruption in the news this week

Latest Stories

Global: Cyprus, Malta, and Russia gang up on whistleblower
EUobserver (17 January, TI mention)
Global: London law firm accused over role in South Africa scandal
The Guardian (16 January)
Bulgaria: Bulgaria's government faces no-confidence vote over corruption
Reuters (17 January)
UK: SFO launches probe into bribery and corruption at defence group Chemring
The Telegraph (18 January)
Ukraine: Paper: IMF concerned by Ukraine's anti-corruption draft law
Voice of America (15 January)

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