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Women: Growing Up in a Swimmer's Body; Overcoming Bad Days;  Things that Rub Swimmers the Wrong Way; Quitting Swimming; Types of Age Group Swimmers

Strong Women are Beautiful Women: Growing Up in a Swimmer’s Body

Whether you are 13 years old and just growing into your body, or 20 years old and reshaping your body with college swimming, this sport really forces you to be aware of your own presence.

I cannot speak on behalf of our male counterparts in the sport, but growing up as a female swimmer, I can fully relate to the feeling of exposure swimming induces. When you are wearing a swimsuit in public for a few hours every day, it can feel as though your body is developing, maturing, and being shaped under a microscope.

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You Are Defined By the Bad Days

Swimmer. It’s a word that encompasses a brutality known only by those to whom it pertains.

There is no sport more excruciating than swimming. While other athletes make similar claims, we know one day in our lives would silence them forever. When an outsider asks if we are swimmers, we nod politely, knowing that they do not and will not ever comprehend the true meaning of the word.

Yet in a sport as tough as ours, too many athletes focus on the brief, fleeting moments of glory it seldom provides. As great as victory feels, as rewarding as it is to look up to that scoreboard and see you accomplished your goal, you are not defined by those moments. You are not defined by the good days.

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5 Things That Rub Swimmers The Wrong Way (Other Than Suits)

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! The alarm goes off again for another 5:30 a.m. practice. It’s still dark outside. As swimmers, we rise before the sun. Morning practices are rough, but the one thing that every swimmer dreads more than rolling out of bed this early is the initial jump into the pool. We stand along the edge of the pool, toes dangling over until we are either yelled at by the coach or convince ourselves we probably should not be the last one in the water. Either way, the shock of the water enveloping our bodies followed by that initial chill that runs down our spine forces us to sprint a lap just to warm ourselves again. This is just the beginning.

We could be having a fantastic practice or one that’s not worth talking about, but either way, that initial leap into the water is not the last thing that will irk a swimmer throughout practice. Here are five things that rub swimmers the wrong way in practice other than their swim suits.

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Why I Shouldn’t Have Quit Swimming

First let me start off with why I did quit.

As a kid, I hated swimming. I would cry when my parents dragged me to the pool for basic safety lessons. They used to bribe me with White Castle Sliders out of desperation. Fast forward a few years, and I had somehow found myself on a competitive team. It was so ironic. I attended my first meet at 12 years old, which was relatively late compared to my peers. Leading up to my first race, the 100 breast, my nerves were off the charts. Behind the blocks, I was seriously considering making a run for the parking lot. After the race, I met my dad in the locker room. I still felt uneasy, but I vividly remember saying, “that was actually kinda fun!”

From that moment on, swimming became far and away my favorite activity. Every aspect of it was enjoyable. Even the 5 a.m. alarm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays became almost tolerable.


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Good For a Laugh: The 10 Eight-and-Unders You’ll Meet

Eight-and-unders bring vitality to any age group swimming program, but their eccentricities also add entertainment value. Over the years, coaches come to learn that there are a few recurring characters in the youngest division of swimming programs.

Here are the ten eight-and-unders you’ll encounter in swimming programs everywhere.


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