Dear John,

Years ago, Dad adapted what he called The Wheel of Life.

The Wheel of Life has seven spokes, and each spoke

represents a core area of life. Here they are:








In order to achieve balanced success, we need to be

successful in each spoke of the Wheel. You can get

a free Wheel of Life assessment right here to help

figure out how you are doing.

Question: Which one of those seven areas did God

create you not to be successful in?

Did you know that improving your level of success in

each of the seven areas is a choice?

What's your plan? Challenge - pick one area you want to

improve this week and do something to improve it. If you

pick a different spoke each week, in seven weeks you will

have a bigger and rounder wheel!

Stay tuned to the Zignificance Moment email each day, as

I will be covering one spoke of the Wheel every day.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!


P.S. Check out our free Live To Win webinar coming up,

where I go into detail on the Wheel of Life.

P.P.S. Quote of the Day: "Change starts with you, but it

doesn't start until you do." Tom Ziglar

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