Modestly Weaker But Ultimately Uneventful In terms of the realized volatility relative to potential volatility, this week turned out to be about as calm as we could have possibly imagined.  It is truly stunning that we will not be able to look back on daily bond market charts and pick out the most interesting Fed meeting in years.  As for Friday, it was void of data and serendipitously weaker for bonds.  One could argue that it's a simple continuation of "selling the news" after "buying the rumor," but we'd argue motivations don't matter when we're only counting a few bps of weakness in 10yr yields that leave us at levels that are still lower than all but a a week and a half of the past year and a half. Econ Data / EventsJobless Claims 219k vs 230k f'cast, 231k prev Philly Fed Index1.7 vs -1.0 f'cast -7.0 prev Market Movement Recap09:50 AM Slightly weaker overnight with additional selling early.  10yr up 3.4bps at 3.746 and MBS down 2 ticks (.06) 10:38 AM Additional losses in 10am hour.  MBS down 5 ticks (.16) and 10yr up 4.6bps at 3.757 12:01 PM Bouncing back on Waller comments.  MBS down only 2 ticks (.06) and 10yr up 2.5bps at 3.737 04:05 PM Slipping a bit again with MBS down 5 ticks (.16) and 10yr up 2.6bps at 3.738
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September 20, 2024
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MBS Commentary
Modestly Weaker But Ultimately Uneventful In terms of the realized volatility relative to potential volatility, this week turned out to be about as calm as we could have possibly imagined.  It is truly s... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
Credit where credit is due: the rate market did an outstanding job of getting out in front of the Fed rate cut as well as the changes to the Fed's rate cut outlook as communicated in the summary of economic projections (SEP).   The SEP con... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
“Someone asked me if I had plans for the fall. It took me a moment to realize they meant ‘autumn’ and not the fall of civilization.” The Autumn solstice is this weekend, and I will be heading to Chicago and then to Lincoln, Nebraska to visit with mor... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries