
Windows updates, bugs, and insights

Computerworld Windows

July 29, 2020

The Windows 10 'End-of-Service' myth

Microsoft publishes an “End of Service” date for each version of Windows 10. While you might think you can hold onto your version of Win10 until that date, Microsoft starts pushing you onto the next version four months early. That takes a big bite out of the promised 18-month lifespan. Read more ▶

Image: Microsoft will pitch virtualized Windows-as-a-subscription service, update and maintain VMs for customers

Microsoft will pitch virtualized Windows-as-a-subscription service, update and maintain VMs for customers

A recent job posting by Microsoft indicates the company may be crafting a new device-as-a-service subscription offer for Microsoft 365 customers that won't actually include the device.

Windows Update is a bifurcated mess

Windows 10 now has two different Windows Update subsystems, running simultaneously, with different rules, conflicting goals and little documentation. Can’t see this week's Previews? You aren’t alone.

Microsoft releases some 'optional, non-security, C/D Week' Win10 patches. Avoid them.

In a return to its boorish behavior, Microsoft released several Windows 10 patches, presumably to preview non-security fixes as well as another .NET preview. Microsoft had stopped releasing these confusing middle-of-the-month patches in March, citing “the public health situation.” The patches are back anyway.

Windows 10: A guide to the updates

Here's what you need to know about each update to the current version of Windows 10 as it's released from Microsoft. Now updated for KB4565503, released July 14, 2020.

Windows 10 Insider Previews: A guide to the builds

Get the latest info on new preview builds of Windows 10 as they roll out from Microsoft. Now updated for Insider Preview Build 19042.421 for the Beta Channel, released on July 24, 2020.

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