If you’ve ever driven on a winding country road for the first time, you’ll be familiar with the anticipation of the possibility of a new discovery around the next corner.
Maybe you put on good music as you get into the flow of leaning into the rhythm and sway of the turns.
It’s probably delightful. Because why not? It’s new, it’s refreshing and we’re open to discovery. Because why not?
The more awe and wonder we bring into each day, the more it will uplift us in the uncertainty of these changing times.
If you don’t tune into the media, you will have a different experience. Instead, tune into the beat of your heart and its melody of love and joy, awe and wonder. For that… that… that… is what your soul wishes for you. Of that, I am certain.
And you can be too.
So what if we awake to greet each day in wonder, awe and gratitude?
What if?
It might just be a better day, mightn’t it?
Actually, it’s inevitable.
For some elevation…here’s some inspiration from a favorite on my creating and writing playlist.
Transformation through creation. ☀️🌙 ⭐️ ~ LeAura The day is the way. ❤️🙏🏻🌹 |