Plus, the difficult road for Afghan refugees, and more...

September 6, 2021
No, Low-Wage Workers Aren’t Lazy. They’re on Strike.
Talking heads who blame government handouts for the labor shortage are missing the point. People are sick of crap jobs at crap wages.
by Michael Tomasky
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Recent Supreme Court rulings have highlighted the party’s staggering legislative impotence.
by Jason Linkins
Democrats are realizing that the outcome of the September 14 vote has implications that stretch beyond the state capital.
by Daniel Strauss
Trump and the pandemic left the refugee resettlement system in tatters. It needs money, volunteers, and to remove bureaucratic barriers.
by Felipe De La Hoz
Air pollution is just as fatal as hurricanes, and it profoundly affects our well being. Yet we no longer treat it as a crisis.
by Liza Featherstone
Bob Ross was the soft-spoken “Happy Painter,” beloved by audiences. When he died, conflict erupted.
by Jo Livingstone
From the Archives:
A fascinating look back at the post-war labor movement in 1946.
by Thurman Arnold and Walton Hamilton


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