Dear Reader, In 1977, soon-to-be President (and my future boss) Ronald Reagan cracked a joke… “Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” It’s appropriate then that in our most recent mid-term election, Republican Dennis Hof was elected to the Nevada State Assembly representing District 36. In case you haven’t heard yet, Mr. Hof was a former reality TV star who owned six different brothels, including the famous Moonlight Bunny Ranch. Oh… and he had recently died… two weeks BEFORE the election. That’s right, voters in Nevada found it more palatable to elect a dead, Republican pimp than a living, breathing Democrat. That would seem to say a lot about the state of politics in America today. But it actually doesn’t say enough. Because Washington D.C. – or as I like to call it “the Imperial City” – has been overtaken by a shadow government… Corrupted to the core by their thirst for power and money. You’ll be shocked to discover the evidence of how they plan to ensure they continue to have more of both of those than you. Sincerely, ![]() David Stockman P.S. When I worked for President Reagan, he often spoke of wanting to “drain the swamp.” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it. Sadly, here we are almost 40 years later and not much has changed in “the swamp” of Washington D.C. And that could have dire consequences for your freedoms and your wealth in the coming months. Click here to see why.
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