Today: "Route Six" by Stanley Kunitz

The Writer's Almanac American Public Media
Saturday, Apr. 2, 2016 Facebook   Twitter

Route Six
by Stanley Kunitz

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The city squats on my back.
I am heart-sore, stiff-necked,
exasperated. That’s why
I slammed the door,
that’s why I tell you now,
in every house of marriage
there’s room for an interpreter.
Let’s jump into the car, honey,
and head straight for the Cape,
where the cock on our housetop crows
that the weather’s fair,
and my garden waits for me
to coax it into bloom.
As for those passions left
that flare past understanding,
like bundles of dead letters
out of our previous lives
that amaze us with their fevers,
we can stow them in the rear
along with ziggurats of luggage
and Celia, our transcendental cat,
past-mistress of all languages,
including Hottentot and silence.
We’ll drive non-stop till dawn,
and if I grow sleepy at the wheel,
you’ll keep me awake by singing
in your bravura Chicago style
Ruth Etting’s smoky song,
‘Love Me or Leave Me,’
belting out the choices.

Light glazes the eastern sky
Over Buzzards Bay.
Celia gyrates upward
like a performing seal,
her glistening nostrils aquiver
to sniff the brine-spiked air.
The last stretch toward home!
Twenty summers roll by.

"Route Six" by Stanley Kunitz from Passing Through. W. W. Norton, 1997. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)

On this day in 1917, at 8:35 p.m., President Woodrow Wilson called Congress into special session and asked them to declare war on Germany. Appearing before a joint session of the Senate and House, he said, "The world must be made safe for democracy."

America had been able to maintain an uneasy neutrality for about three years while the war raged on in Europe. But the "Zimmermann Note" was made public in March. This message from German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann proposed that the Mexican government ally itself with Germany, in exchange for Germany's help in regaining Mexico's "lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona." The message also suggested that Mexico press Japan to ally itself with Germany. That note - and Germany's sinking of five American ships - changed public opinion about intervention in the war. When the war ended, a year and a half later (November 11, 1918), 9 million soldiers had died, in addition to 13 million civilians, who perished from massacres, starvation, and disease.

Today is the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen (books by this author), born in Odense, Denmark (1805). He was the only son of a shoemaker who used to tell him stories from Arabian Nights. His mother was an illiterate washerwoman who was widowed when her son was 11. When Andersen was 14, he told his mother that he wanted to go to Copenhagen. When she asked what he intended to do there, he said, "I'll become famous! First you suffer cruelly, and then you become famous."

He intended to find his fame on the stage. He even found a patron, Jonas Collin, who was the director of the Royal Danish Theatre. But Andersen was tall and gawky, and people used to laugh at his attempts to sing and dance; he also experienced poverty worse even than he had known in Odense. He felt like an outsider. These feelings were reinforced when he finally went back to school at Collin's urging. Andersen was a country boy not used to life in the capital city, he was much older than the other students, and he was a mediocre student at best; his schoolmaster used to pick on him mercilessly. He finally graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 1828, and he published his first story in 1829. It was called "A Journey on Foot from Holmen's Canal to the East Point of Amager," and it was a success. His writing career was launched.

Andersen followed up that first story with volumes of poetry, plays, autobiographical novels, and travelogues. He published his first collection of fairy tales in 1835, but still continued writing for adults. Although his novels did well, his fairy tales were overlooked at first, and it wasn't until an English translation was published in 1845 that they became popular. Andersen gave us "The Princess and the Pea," "The Emperor's New Clothes," "The Ugly Duckling," and "The Little Match Girl," among many others - more than 150 fairy tales in all.

With his literary success came the fame and acceptance that Andersen had always wanted. He traveled extensively around Europe, rubbing elbows with fellow writers like Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, and Henrik Ibsen. In England, he met Charles Dickens, whose work he admired. The two men shared a concern for the less fortunate members of society, and had both grown up without money, and they became friends.

In 2012, a Danish historian came across a previously unknown Andersen fairy tale in the bottom of a storage box in the national archive. The story is called "The Tallow Candle," and it's about a lonely candle that feels misunderstood and unappreciated until it is finally recognized by a tinderbox. Andersen wrote it when he was a teenager, during a particularly unhappy period at school, and he presented it to a vicar's widow who had loaned him books when he was a child.

In 1872, Andersen was badly injured when he fell out of bed. He never fully recovered from his injuries; he also developed liver cancer, which claimed his life in 1875.

Today is the birthday of the French novelist and journalist mile Zola (books by this author), born in Paris (1840). He invented a new style of fiction writing that he called Naturalism, which he defined as "nature seen through a temperament." He had been inspired by Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1839), and he decided to try applying scientific principles of observation to the practice of writing fiction. The result was a 20-novel cycle, a kind of fictional documentary about the influence of heredity and environment on an extended family. It was called Les Rougon-Macquart. Some of the novels of the cycle include The Drunkard (1877), Nana (1880), and Germinal (1885).

Zola said, "The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."

And, "If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud."

Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.®

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National Poetry Month 2016

April 2016 is the 20th anniversary of National Poetry Month, and we have a few things planned to help celebrate! Stay tuned to our website for new interviews with some of our featured poets, opportunities to share your favorite poems, and more!

This week's interview: Ted Kooser


Although he has edited several anthologies of his favorite poems, O, What a Luxury: Verses Lyrical, Vulgar, Pathetic & Profound forges a new path for Garrison Keillor, as a poet of light verse. Purchase O, What a Luxury

The Writer's Almanac is produced by Prairie Home Productions and presented by American Public Media.

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