Today: "Evergreen Cemetery" by Margaret Hasse

The Writer's Almanac American Public Media
Monday, Dec. 12, 2016 Facebook   Twitter

Evergreen Cemetery
by Margaret Hasse

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After a day of driving, I’m tired.
I turn off at a small cemetery
with Evergreen scrolled
on a wrought iron arch.

It’s peaceful here
with no dead I know
and no one weeping.
I count as many statues
of dogs as granite angels.
The lambs are for babies
including Carl Peter, two days old.
Here’s a bouquet of new jonquils
left for Alma who died so long ago
rain eroded her last name.

North on unmarked mounds
wild ginger and native violets
grow above Native bones.

Most of the headstones
in Evergreen are already turned
toward the setting sun.
At the horizon a choir of clouds
wears robes of twilight blue.
Elsewhere in South Dakota
stands a house with its porch light on,
the first star I’ll see tonight.

"Evergreen Cemetery" by Margaret Hasse from Between Us. Nodin Press, 2016. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)

It's the birthdayof French novelistGustave Flaubert(books by this author), born in Rouen, France (1821). He's best known for the novelMadame Bovary(1857). He grew up in a middle-class family. His father convinced him to go to law school, but he dropped out. So his father bought him a house on the Seine, and Flaubert devoted the rest of his life to writing. After his father died, he moved back in with his mother, where he lived until he was 50 years old.

He was a perfectionist and spent hours at his writing desk every day. It took him about five years to writeMadame Bovary, the story of Emma Bovary, a doctor's discontented wife, who longs to experience the passion, excitement, and luxury she has only read about in novels. She has affairs, racks up debt, and ultimately takes her own life with arsenic. He wrote carefully, working long hours, agonizing over each word. He wrote to his mistress, the poet Louise Colet: "Happy are they who don't doubt themselves and whose pens fly across the page. I myself hesitate, I falter, I become angry and fearful, my drive diminishes as my taste improves, and I brood more over an ill-suited word than I rejoice over a well-proportioned paragraph."

Most of Flaubert's novels were unsuccessful - they didn't get good reviews, and they sold poorly.A Sentimental Education(1869) sold fewer than 3,000 copies in its first four years in print. But he became hugely popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially among writers like James Joyce.

After Flaubert's death in 1880, the novelist Henry James published an homage to him, writing, "The horror, in particular, that haunted [Flaubert] all his years was the horror of the clich, the stereotyped, the things usually said and the way it was usually said, the current phrase that passed muster. Nothing, in [Flaubert's] view, passed muster but freshness."

In 1911,TheNew York Timesreported thatMadame Bovaryhad been voted by the French as the "best French novel." In 2007, editor J. Peder Zane published a book calledThe Top Ten,in which he asked 125 contemporary writers to name what they consider "the ten greatest works of fiction of all time," andMadame Bovarywas number two, afterAnna Karenina.

Flaubert said: "Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work."

And, "To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

It's the birthdayof British playwrightJohn Osborne(books by this author), born in London (1929). He grew up in a working-class family, and his father died when he was young. When he was 16, he quit school and began acting with traveling companies. He started writing plays when he was 19, and his first play was produced when he was 25. Two years later, he came out with his most famous play,Look Back in Anger(1956). It's a bleak play about a 25-year-old man named Jimmy Porter who lives in a tiny apartment with his wife and business partner. Jimmy owns a sweets shop, but he has no real hope for the future, and he becomes involved in a love triangle with his wife's friend. The play was revolutionary in British theater. BeforeLook Back in Anger, most plays in England were classics, melodramas, or genteel, drawing-room comedies. They usually had a likeable main character for audiences to identify with. Osborne changed all that. The term "angry young man" was coined to label the discontented British youth of the 1950s, and Osborne inspired a generation of writers, artists, and musicians.

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Although he has edited several anthologies of his favorite poems, O, What a Luxury: Verses Lyrical, Vulgar, Pathetic & Profound forges a new path for Garrison Keillor, as a poet of light verse. Purchase O, What a Luxury

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