Saturday, January 25, 2020

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Summer Surprised Us
by Edward Hirsch


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"Summer Surprised Us" from THE LIVING FIRE: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS by Edward Hirsch, copyright © 2010 by Edward Hirsch. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division. (buy now)

It’s the birthday of writer Virginia Woolf (books by this author), born in Kensington, England (1882). She began her professional writing career in 1904 at the age of 22, at the end of a terrible year. Her father had died in February, prompting her second major breakdown (the first had come when she was a teenager, after her mother and half-sister both died within a couple of years). This time, she became suicidal; she attempted to throw herself out of a window, but it was low to the ground and she was not seriously hurt. She refused to eat and began hearing things — she thought that the birds were singing in Greek and that King Edward VII was in the azaleas speaking dirty words. She was sent to the countryside to recover. She was not allowed to do much — her exercise was limited, and the doctors refused to let her write anything besides letters. She was frustrated that her siblings were carrying on the family business without her, including moving out of their old home and into a new one. She finally convinced her sister Vanessa to let her come to London for a 10-day visit.

Her friend Violet Dickinson thought that writing would be good for Woolf, and during that brief stay in London, Dickinson introduced her to Margaret Lyttelton, the editor of the women’s supplement of The Guardian. Lyttelton invited her to submit some work. Once the 10 days were over, Woolf was sent back to the countryside to stay with another relative, this one in Yorkshire. There she wrote an essay about Haworth, the Brontë sisters’ parsonage. She wrote: “It may have been the effect of a sympathetic imagination, but I think that there were good reasons why Haworth did certainly strike one not exactly as gloomy, but, what is worse for artistic purposes, as dingy and commonplace.” She also wrote a review of The Son of Royal Langbirth by William Dean Howells. She sent her pieces to Lyttelton, who published them both in The Guardian that December. It was her first published work. When a friend sent a letter of congratulations, Woolf replied: “Not that a review deserves praise, it is necessarily dull work reviewing I think, and I hate the critical attitude of mind because all the time I know what a humbug I am, and ask myself what right have I to dictate what’s good and bad, when I couldn’t, probably, do as well myself!”

In January of 1905, her doctors decided that she was cured, and allowed her to return to London. Also in January, she received her first payment for her writing. She wrote in her diary: “Found this morning on my plate my first installment of wages — £2.7.6 for Guardian articles, which gave me great pleasure. Also a book ‘Women in America’ for review, so that means more work, & cheques ultimately.” That same month, she wrote a piece for her father’s biographer; worked on a longer essay called “Street Music;” and began writing reviews and articles for the Times Literary Supplement.

Woolf was able to support herself with her journalism, and over the next 15 years she published more than 200 reviews and essays. In 1913, her first novel, The Voyage Out, was accepted for publication, a novel she had been working on for many years. She was terrified that everyone would laugh at it; and after she corrected the proofs, she had another breakdown, her first since she had started writing professionally. This breakdown lasted on and off for two years, and she spent time in a nursing home for mental illness. The Voyage Out was finally published in 1915, after Woolf recovered.

Her other novels include Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and Orlando (1928).

She said: “Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.”


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