URGENT: The Highlander Center's main office burned to the ground, a white power symbol spray-painted in the parking lot. They need our help to rebuild. Please make an emergency donation to help.



The Highlander Center in New Market, Tennessee, is a social justice center, working on social, economic, and environmental justice movements in Appalachia and the South.

They helped organize the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycotts. Aided in founding the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Hosted such civil rights icons as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.

This past weekend, they became the latest target of a white power movement attack. Their headquarters burned to the ground. A symbol connected to the white power movement spray-painted on their parking lot. Thankfully, this time, no one was hurt.

The Sierra Club has been working with the Highlander Center for years, helping to shape and transform our Environmental Justice work.

We reached out to them this week. They are committed to rebuilding now and not letting white supremacists stop their critical work. In this time of need, they need all of our support.

I'm emailing you today to ask if you will join people across the region by making an emergency donation to help the Highlander Center rebuild.

Please, donate to the Highlander Center rebuilding efforts now. One hundred percent of funds donated will go to the Highlander Center. This sacred space for transformative organizing needs our help to rebuild and recover from this horrific hate crime.

There's a reason Highlander is so close to our hearts. The Center was instrumental in the creation of our Environmental Justice Program. Its brilliant, insightful trainers helped to shape—really, transform—how we think about organizing in diverse and underserved communities. Any number of us have attended their trainings.

Highlander is determined to “continue to be that sacred place, that movement home, that place…where principled struggle happens…that place that demands transformative justice.” And we're determined to help them. Please, add your support and love with a gift now.

The Center has called us all “[t]o love each other and support each other and to keep each other safe in turbulent times.” One way we can love and support Highlander is to provide financial assistance, so the fight for progressive action and restorative environmental change can continue. If you are interested in working with them more, their workshop space survived the fires and remains open.

Thank you for joining us to reject hate and embrace hope, solidarity, and justice.


Bob Bingaman
National Organizing Director
Sierra Club


Photo Credit: New Market Volunteer Fire Department

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