There Is a World of Trouble: Helps You Make Sense of It

Dear Supporters,

It's that time of year again. We need your help. Asking for money directly from readers is what allows to provide with the highest quality in news and editorials, maintain independence from larger foundations, and keeps the site relatively ad free.

That's why I am most grateful to all of you that give every year, every quarter and often once a month. Your gifts, along with your words of encouragement, make this job bearable on days when just accomplishing the basics seems an impossible task in light of the events of the past few weeks. Even people who know better are demanding that the United States government do even more for Ukraine -- besides the 2014 Maiden coup, putting Nazis in power and using it as proxy to destroy Russia.

For, intervention isn't an option. We have better ideas than unleashing the same rain of fire power, horror and destruction than what brought about this never ending cycle of violence. Besides, when has it ever worked?

Don't let the circus side show which will be known as the 2022 US midterm elections, fool you. There will only be the illusion of choice as to which member of the political class will lead the empire. It's given the patina of folksiness where we refer to war criminals by their first names as if we are naïve enough to believe that there is anything other than one party: the War Party.

If you haven't given this pledge drive, please do so. The sooner we do, the sooner we can make some overdue changes in format, give some staff members a day or two off, return some phone calls, participate in peace coalitions and attempt to secure new funding in the ever smaller wartime economy.

Thank you for all you do for peace.

Angela Keaton
Executive Director,

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