Media Winners & Losers

Andrew Kaczynski

CNN's Andrew Kaczynski is our Winner of the Day, and today it is not for his thorough investigative reporting, but for how he has used his media reach and large online audience to do good in the face of heartbreaking tragedy.

Kaczynski and his wife, Rachel Ensign, had a beautiful baby girl last year who they named Francesca, nicknamed "Beans." Sadly, Francesca was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of brain tumor. The family temporarily moved to Boston to pursue treatment for her at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Boston Children’s Hospital, and Kaczynski garnered worldwide support and prayers for her with his posts, hashtagged #TeamBeans.

Tragically, Francesca passed away on Christmas Eve at the far-too-young age of nine months. Kaczynski and Ensign posted a poignant and eloquent obituary for her online on Christmas, and continued their efforts to raise money for research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to fight the specific kind of tumor that Francesca had.

So far, their effort has raised over a half a million dollars, funds that will go a long way to help find new treatments and save the lives of other children.

For taking unimaginable grief and turning it into an immeasurable good -- and reminding us that there are causes bigger than ourselves -- Andrew, Rachel, and all of Francesca's loved ones are truly winners as human beings.

We send our thoughts and prayers to Francesca's family for comfort and healing. If you would like to contribute to the #TeamBeans research fund, you can do so here

Tucker Carlson

As of Thursday evening, the world had already heard the chilling video clips of the Capitol rioters chanting "Hang Mike Pence!", seen the gallows they built outside, learned of the Capitol Police officer who was killed and the dozens more who were injured, watched another rioter incite the crowd as he yelled "Death is the only remedy!" for the members of Congress and law enforcement officers.

The images and videos of the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th are shocking, upsetting, and frightening. 

But if you're Tucker Carlson, being scared of people who were literally trying to take you hostage and assassinate you is a laughing matter. 

The Fox News host viciously mocked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) after she posted a video on Instagram saying that she and many of her congressional colleagues "narrowly escaped death," and thanking the Capitol Police officers who protected them. 

Carlson took a noticeably sarcastic tone repeating Ocasio-Cortez's comment that her "heart was beating fast" and accused her of hypocrisy for supporting police reform during the protests this summer and thanking the police this month. His petty vitriol also came with a dose of misogyny, as he repeatedly referred to her as "Sandy Cortez," an obvious effort to diminish and mock her. 

Disagree with Ocasio-Cortez on every single policy issue? Fine. But criticizing and even ridiculing her for having very rational fears of armed and dangerous rioters who broke into the Capitol while she was inside? That's pathetic and despicable. 

The A-Block

Trump delenda est

The fallout from the Capitol riots continues, with President Donald Trump officially becoming the first president in American history to be impeached twice, and a growing number of Republicans, conservative commentators and activists, and other former allies joining the chorus calling for his removal.

A new poll shows Trump's job approval rating has cratered to an all-time low of 29 percent.

A stunning story details how the rioters who wanted to hang Vice President Mike Pence were one minute away from finding him

He seems to have trouble finding a lawyer to represent him in the upcoming Senate trial. This is undoubtedly due in no small part to recent reports that he's trying to stiff long-time loyalist Rudy Giuliani for his legal fees, a story that sparked a lot of schadenfreudelicious mocking. 

Social media is crowing over the footage of White House staffers packing up and moving out. And conservative media outlets are continuing to issue embarrassing retractions of some of their most outlandish baseless claims of election fraud. 

Politico Playbook founder (now at Punchbowl News) Jake Sherman had a scathing assessment of Trump's current status in the latest episode of the Mediaite podcast The Interview: "powerless."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) issued a warning for GOP members of Congress, that anyone who aided the insurrection could be facing not just consequences in the House, but also criminal prosecution.

His former White House Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, called Trump "the domestic terrorist of the 21st century."

For those of you counting, there is less than a half-Scaramucci left in Trump's term.

Biden's got a plan, but it's gonna cost big bucks

President-elect Joe Biden outlined his plan to address the coronavirus pandemic in a speech from Wilmington, DE Thursday, focusing on directing resources to speed up testing and administration of the vaccine, as well as economic relief.

Estimated price tag: nearly $2 trillion


One of the Democratic impeachment managers was seen removing his face mask for an explosive sneeze. Kinda defeats the point of the mask, hmm? 

'How bizarre was that?!'

That was the question CNN's Chris Cuomo asked his audience after a truly bizarre interview with the attorney for the "QAnon Shaman," arrested for his alleged actions during the Capitol riots. It's some must-see television, complete with audio malfunctions, comparisons to murderous cults, and an open plea for a presidential pardon. 

From Law&Crime

Taxpayer Money Flushed Away as Ivanka and Jared Refused To Let Secret Service Use Their Bathrooms 

Umm, what?

Charles Barkley had an unusual argument for letting NBA players have "preferential treatment" and get the Covid-19 vaccine early: they pay more in taxes

Just in: this is infuriating

A story just reported by the Washington Post says that Trump promised the states additional doses of the coronavirus vaccine, but those doses don't actually exist

Must See Clips

It could have been so much worse

New photos and videos continue to emerge showing disturbing scenes before and during the insurrection at the Capitol, and illustrate the very chilling truth that the violence that left several people dead and dozens injured could have been so much worse.

There's the man who incited the crowd with his rage-filled screams that "Death is the only remedy!" -- and that was half an hour after he allegedly assaulted a Capitol Police officer.

And a D.C. metropolitan police officer who told reporters how the rioters attacked him, yelling threats to kill him with his own gun

Another activist who was arrested for his role in inciting the attack, heard on video saying "Let's burn this sh** down!"

Reminder: the First Amendment does not protect incitement of violence or acts of sedition against the government. These videos are hard to watch, but important to witness.

Links We Like

Yes, the Senate May Hold Trump's Impeachment Trial After He Leaves Office
-  Damon Root, Reason
Ted Cruz’s Former Staffers Are ‘Disgusted’ by His New Low for Trump
- Ben Jacobs and Olivia Nuzzi, New York Magazine

Trump won’t say the one thing that could really calm down his followers
- Aaron Rupar, Vox

How the rioters who stormed the Capitol came dangerously close to Pence
- Ashley Parker, Carol D. Leonnig, Paul Kane, and Emma Brown, Washington Post

Convict and Disqualify Trump
- Dan McLaughlin, National Review
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