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July 23, 2020
Thanks to the Trump administration’s signature mix of incompetence and corruption, America is knee-deep in fraud and corporate malfeasance.
By Ankush Khardori
The Infernal Logic of Professional Sports in a PandemicPlutocratic interests and the coronavirus crisis have made “Value Over Replacement Human” baseball’s hottest new statistic.

By Meredith Shiner
Rich Republican Nihilists Don’t Care If You Can’t Pay Rent
Millionaires in Congress have long since lost touch with most constituents' concerns.

By J.C. Pan
Here’s What It Would Take to Reopen Schools SafelyA deep dive into what the research says about the question on every parent’s mind

By Melody Schreiber
Congress’ Steadfast and Stupefying Refusal to End Surprise BillingIt seems clear that if voters want lawmakers to end this galling practice, they will have to first end some lawmakers' careers.

By Libby Watson
Donald Trump Has Permanently Changed the Publishing IndustryThe business of bookselling is more political and partisan than ever before. Things won’t go back to normal after Trump leaves office.

By Alex Shephard
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