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7 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Payments Processor

Walmart CEO: Company is Becoming More Digital

There’s This Explosion of Innovation - VMware CEO

“There’s this explosion of innovation that’s going on,” says VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger. “I’ve called it the four superpowers; cloud, mobility, AI, and IoT. These are just causing so many new companies, investment of capital, major new IPOs that are going on.”

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“This market is the largest market that we’ve ever seen,” says Intel CEO Bob Swan. “We view our market share as roughly 23-25 percent. The opportunities we have to grow in this increasingly data-centric world is fairly significant.”

“Anything we do in Honeywell, innovation is always the key,” says Honeywell CEO Darius Adamczyk. “Whether it’s expanding into Europe, driving more robotics, a connected warehouse offering, are the key technology levers for that business.”

“Were the fastest growing cloud company in the enterprise software space,” says SAP CEO Bill McDermott. “We grew total revenue by 16% and grew cloud 48%. Let me just put this on the line. When you grow cloud 48%, that’s 80% faster than Salesforce, that’s 30% faster than Workday.

5G is really designed so that other industries such as automotive, self-driving cars, connected healthcare, connected education, connected infrastructure, are really set up to use cellular for the first time at massive scale, says Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf.

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