These companies are hiring part-time remote workers Of the top 30 employers, education-related positions dominate, but a closer read shows tech jobs in demand outside the industry. Good metrics should be used to guide the development of strategic objectives, narrow investment opportunities to minimize wasted capital, and continually evaluate status to ensure that progress is being made. This report offers a comprehensive look... |
Additional TechRepublic resources | Social engineering: A cheat sheet for business professionals (free PDF) Con artists have been performing social engineering tricks for centuries. In the age of cybercrimes and online scams, social engineering has become far more threatening: Con artists can now reach out and trick you without ever having to speak a word, and it’s becoming one of the preferred methods of gaining illicit access to secure systems. A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic | Microservice architecture has the potential to pick up where service-oriented architecture (SOA) left off, making application development faster, more scalable, and more flexible. But as with SOA, some doubt microservices can live up to their promise. We help CIOs sort out the fact from fiction. Connect with TechRepublic |