Help get Net Neutrality trending.
free press action fund
Dust off your vocal chords and post a video for the #callyourrep4thenet karaoke challenge.


They’re baa-aack! The August congressional recess just wrapped up and lawmakers are back in Washington. Now is the perfect time to turn up the volume and get the House of Representatives to restore the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules.

Help Net Neutrality go viral: Do the #callyourrep4thenet karaoke challenge now to get people calling their representatives in support of bringing back open-internet protections.

It’s super easy: Just pick a song you love, change the words to include the line “Call your rep for the net,” and post a video online with the hashtag. We’ll share it!

Time is running out. The House of Representatives must pass the Congressional Review Act (CRA)1 resolution soon if there’s any chance of reversing the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal.

But there’s good news: We’re only 41 representatives away from making that happen.

If this karaoke challenge starts trending, we could grab the attention of representatives who have yet to get on board.

Spark something incredible: Do the #callyourrep4thenet karaoke challenge now, and be sure to challenge your friends, neighbors and favorite celebs to join the fun.

Have trouble singing on key? No prob! Step outside your comfort zone and have some fun. Search “callyourrep4thenet” on Twitter to see all the videos we’ve gotten so far; then take your turn.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Thanks for all that you do—

Collette, Diego, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Remix your favorite song into a #callyourrep4thenet anthem and post yourself singing it! Watch our sample video now; then do it for the net.

1. “The Way to Win Net Neutrality in the House,” Free Press Action, July 31, 2018:

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