Dear John,
Today I am waking up and thinking about how thankful I was for my dad, Zig Ziglar.
He taught me everything I needed to know to succeed in life. I grew up with his motivation.
I grew up living the words that he spoke and they soaked into my very bones!
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar
Dad always had a funny way of getting the point across.
As we head into the 4th quarter of the year, our young adults are transitioning to college, new jobs, or maybe you are taking the plunge into setting goals and having success in your own life or career.
Sometimes, we just need the right tools to get things going.
In honor of soaking in the motivation, we have put together a special collection, as day 4 of our flash sale, called the Ziglar Back To School Bundle.
I put together a group of items from our store at a steal of a price to help you, or someone important in your life, get started with the proven system my dad put in place.
Give the gift of Ziglar and a dose of Motivation today!