John, have you ever...

... thought of someone you haven’t talked to in a while, only to hear from them several days later?

... had a feeling that something was going to happen, and soon after it plays out exactly as you’ve imagined it?

... heard a song lyric on the radio or seen a message on a sign that coincided perfectly with what you were thinking?

Well, it’s more than just “coincidence,” John. Your thoughts create your reality... and we’re going to help you PROVE it, taking your manifesting self-confidence to new heights. 

Join me, and Pam Grout (#1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared), and thousands of manifesting enthusiasts for our brand new 21-DAY Magical Mystery Manifesting Adventure.

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It starts April 21, and here’s what you’ll get when you join:

  • A new "Manifesting Mission" each day, for 21 days, that will PROVE your thoughts become things!
  • A hot manifesting tip and wildly outrageous (but true) success story to help you complete each day's mission.
  • 4 LIVE workshops with me and Pam (6 full hours!) – we’ll be your manifesting guides and teach you everything we know.
  • A workbook and BINGO card (to check off each day’s mission).
  • Support from an amazing community that’s completing the daily missions alongside you. 

John, after these 21 days are over, you’ll have zero doubt that you create your reality… and you’ll be far more intentional with every thought you think forevermore. 

It starts in 3 DAYS >Click here to join us!

Let's do this...

P.S. John, over these 21 days, we intend to present an outright challenge to the nature of reality. We intend to PROVE that the reality you see now will stick around only as long as you continue to believe in it!

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