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November 7, 2016

Things You Didn’t Know About America’s 10 Best Restaurants

America’s best restaurants tend to come across as monoliths, temples of gastronomy that arrived on the scene completely intact and stayed that way over the years. But these restaurants are deep down just businesses run by really talented folks, and...Read More
The French Laundry

10 Thanksgiving Facts to Impress Your Friends

Every year, millions of Americans look forward to settling down at the table with friends and family and digging into a big Thanksgiving meal with all the traditional trimmings. Like all major holidays and other events celebrated by a whole lot of...Read More

Alton Brown Describes His Perfect Thanksgiving Sandwich

Alton Brown is a man who knows how to take a dish, even if we think it’s already been perfected, and find a way to improve on it. Case in point: the Thanksgiving sandwich. We all have our own ideal interpretation of what this classic day-after-...Read More
Alton Brown

Interview with Chef Gaston Acurio, Leading A Peruvian Food Revolution

The charisma of this 48 year old Peruvian chef who has led the charge to popularize Peruvian cuisine is evident from his rock star status in his homeland. Probably one of the first chefs to earn such mass adulation he handles it with admirable...Read More
Gaston Acurio

Arby’s Runs Out of Venison Sandwiches

Arby’s has been testing a sandwich made of free-range, farmed venison in a small number of restaurants in deer-hunting states, and the test proved so much more popular than expected that many sold out right away. [related]The sandwich was planned...Read More
Arby's venison sandwiches

Smell Like Ramen With Soup-Scented Bath Salts from Japan

The world is full of people who want strange things and have a hard time finding them, but now life is a little bit easier for all the copious numbers of people who have secretly been desiring to relax in a big bathtub full of soup, because soup-...Read More
Soup bath powders

Venerable French Restaurant Changes Hands After More Than a Century

One of the oldest and most respected of France's great restaurants, Auberge du Pére Bise in Talloires, in the Haute-Savoie — which has been under the same family ownership for 103 years — has been sold, and will be reopened by a talented chef from...Read More
Auberge du Pére Bise

Chipotle Investors Want to Remove Co-CEO and Founder Steve Ells From Board of Directors

Just when things were looking up with the introduction of dessert and breakfast items in the works after much bad press this year, some of Chipotle’s investors are looking to have co-CEO and founder Steve Ells removed from his position as chairman...Read More

The 5 Weirdest Food Moments From the 2016 Election

The 2016 presidential election is nearly over (thankfully), and it’s already time to look back at the highlights. When it comes to food, there may not have been much discussion about actual policy, but this election was not short on weird moments,...Read More
Hillary Clinton with hot sauce

McDonald’s Uncreates ‘Create Your Taste’

Operational simplicity has prevailed over customization. McDonald’s said it has ended its “Create Your Taste” customization platform in the U.S. in favor of the simpler “Signature Crafted Recipes” platform that it began testing in San Diego in...Read More
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