E-mail Letter
Will This be the Start of Trump’s Rise to Power?
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Hello Fellow American!

We all know the media tries to hide Biden’s blunders…

But this time, they may have taken things too far.

Because back on February 24…

Biden made a MASSIVE mistake…
Electro vehicle
And real Americans like you and me need to know about it.

I’ll be honest…

I thought he would be impeached for this one.

The problem is…

Most people don’t even know it happened.

That’s why an ex-CIA and Pentagon consultant decided to come forward…

And expose the truth on the internet for the whole world to see.

My guess is…

When people hear about this, Trump will win by a landslide in 2024.

It’s that shocking.

But you don’t have to take my word for it…

Because you can see his video for yourself right here.

Prepare to be STUNNED.

Find out what this former CIA Advisor is revealing to the world here.

Matt Insley
Publisher, Paradigm Press

P.S. According to this former CIA Advisor, this could be the biggest mistake a sitting President has made in the last 150 years. And it could have a HUGELY NEGATIVE effect on Americans like you and me.
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