Dear John,

The big election in the U.S. has some people excited, others disappointed,

and almost everyone worried about what is going to unfold in the next

several years.

What we all need is a big dose of HOPE.

Hope that inspires action that brings out the best in all of us to create a

better life for our families and a better world for our neighbors.

I think this quote from Dad sums up the current climate perfectly: "Other

people and things can stop you temporarily. You are the only one

who can do it permanently."Zig Ziglar

I watched Dad encounter grave circumstances and situations that were

not of his choosing. With a glimmer in his eyes and a determination in

his jaw, I could see hope vibrate out of his soul. You see, he knew he

had a choice of how he responded to the situation. And with that

understanding that he had the power to control his own attitude and

actions, he would go to work.

Work for Dad meant studying and reading material hours each day that

he could use to help other people have a more successful life. He

was convinced that if he could learn one more thing and teach it to one

more person, the world would be a better place.

What about you? Is there something you can learn today that will help

you grow and, in turn, allow you to help someone else through a tough

time? You bet there is!

I am betting that YOU, like Dad, will decided to become the HOPE that

the world needs right now. It's a choice and an awesome responsibility -

you have what it takes!

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!


P.S. We have created a special package called "The Whole Shootin'

Match," which includes 35 of the programs and books that Dad created

to help people become successful in all areas of life. If you want to

create your HOPE library, this is the best place to start. Or maybe you

are looking to make this the Christmas of HOPE where the gifts you

give impact others for a lifetime and beyond. Check out this special

package right here. Supplies are limited, and the savings of almost

60% are incredible - plus, there are a couple of bonuses you don't

want to miss out on.

P.P.S. Quote of the Day: "When you encourage others, you, in the

process, are encouraged, because you're making a commitment

and difference in that person's life. Encouragement really does

make a difference." Zig Ziglar

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Ziglar, Inc., 1400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306