Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

Not great news, I’m afraid...

We’ve been thinking a lot about how the current economic turmoil resembles that of the 1970s — possibly the worst decade of the last 50 years for Australia.

And we’ve identified five red flags.

Five ‘flashback factors’ that make our return to the ‘decade of decimation’ seem almost inevitable.

If you were around back then, you’ll remember that stocks tanked in their worst bear market since the 1930s...house prices cratered after an unprecedented boom...and 17% inflation ate the guts out of your cash savings.

It was a miserable decade for many Australians.

And it looks like it might be on the way back...

Think about it. We’re seeing surging energy prices...an unsustainable housing boom...stubbornly high inflation...a bloated public sector and banks lending hand over fist.

Seem familiar to you?

We’re not the only ones to have spotted this trend.

Back in April, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon told the Economic Club of New York: ‘I worry that it looks more like the ’70s than we’ve seen before...’

It’s all getting a bit concerning.

So we’ve put together a report showing you what we think is happening, where it could end, and what you can do, to avoid getting caught out if this turns out to be more than just déjà vu...

Please read this when you get a moment...

Return to the ‘Decade of Decimation’


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail Dail

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