Dear Voornaam,

For this Giving Tuesday, we are supporting a wonderful organization called Stepping Stones Growth Center, a part of Davis Street Community Services. Stepping Stones’s mission is “to empower persons with disabilities through inclusion, advocacy and innovative services.” With a special focus on people with developmental disabilities, Stepping Stones provides a continuum of programs, including job coaching and placement, independent living services, mobility training, and more. As their director Dr. Carole Alvarez says, “we provide opportunities to thrive…not just survive.”
From now through the end of day on Tuesday, December 3, we’re offering a buy-one-get-one for you. Subscribe to BrainHQ, and get a free one-year membership to give to a friend of loved one. Plus, we’ll donate $10 to Stepping Stones. It’s our way of giving back on Giving Tuesday!
Subscribe now
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