AccountantsWorld Daily News

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This IRS Tax Form Can Cost You 24%

(Forbes) - If you want to be paid, refusing to hand over a Form W-9 can be a mistake. If a payor fails to collect your W-9, they may withhold taxes, even if you are not an employee. This “backup withholding” at 24% is the usual consequence of refusing to hand over a W-9 and is a nightmare on your taxes.

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Payroll shouldn't be a puzzle you have to solve every pay period. Learn how to streamline payroll processing with Payroll Relief, saving you time and money. ATTEND OUR WEBINAR

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Colorado Now Accepts Crypto for Taxes 
(Accounting Today) - The state has become the first in the U.S. to accept cryptocurrency for tax payments.

NASA Crashes DART Spacecraft into an Asteroid 
(Business Insider) - Earth NASA deliberately crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to knock it off its path. It's the first test of defending the planet from space rocks.

How Honest Should You Be During Your Exit Interview? 
(CPA Practice Advisor) - While it might feel satisfying to air grievances, exit interviews aren’t intended to be venting sessions.

The War for Talent: 6 Ways Small Companies Can Compete With Big Businesses 
(CFO) - Smaller companies can still go head-to-head with the big guys to attract and retain top finance talent.

After-the-Fact Payroll: Full compliance, zero headaches

After-the-Fact Payroll is the most comprehensive cloud-based solution for payroll compliance. Your filings are always accurate and on-time. Prepare and e-file federal and state forms including W2s, W3s, and 1099s, faster and easier than ever. LEARN MORE

About AccountantsWorld

At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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