Jambo John

Over 400,000 people have already signed up for this year's summit. Plus, we've received so much appreciation for announcing this event, I thought you'd want to know it's free for 7 more days.

All 100 new interviews are now available, with legends like Chopra, Dyer, Dr. Joe, Esther, Weiss, Dr. Lipton, Louise, myself, and 92 others, talking about: 
  • meditation made easy
  • finding and keeping love
  • signs from your angels
  • past lives and psychic development
  • moving into higher vibrations 
  • kicking cancer's butt 
  • celebrating food, life, and living
  • oils, crystals, and sacred geometry
  • heart intelligence
  • getting into the vortex and intention
  • spirituality and science 
  • grief, compassion, and resilience
  • and much, much, much, much more 
John, I promise you'll hear something, from someone, that changes your life. This is that big. 

Listen now at: Hay House ONLINE World Summit   

Lots of love, John -
P.S. This is how to get your rolling university started! 100 hours will take you almost anywhere…

P.P.S. If you already know that you want to own all the interviews, order here - it’s the last day to get the bonus gifts. I ordered mine last week.
100 Interviews - Listen Free for 7 More Days!
And many, many, many more!