Dear SmartTrader,

Southern Company (SO) is a solid stock to hold. 

If you invested 10k in SO in January of 2000 today that investment would be worth: 262,081.84. 

That’s an annual rate of return of 13.91%, a total increase of 2,550.82%, and a total profit of 252,081.84.

Not bad…

However, what that doesn’t tell you is about the big swings in equity. 

Like when it dropped 14% in two months or where it dropped 42% during the pandemic and took two years to recover. 


That’s a lot of ups and downs. 

This is why I developed CashFlow Covered Calls.

Which is why you need to watch this video on my very unique, very efficient CashFlow Covered Call strategy.  

  • Risks are reduced by 90%+
  • Annualized Returns Increase by as Much as 10x
  • Super Easy to Implement
  • Requires Very Little Capital
  • And so much more. 

Click Here to Watch This Video Now

Watch this video now.  This is available for a LIMITED TIME.

Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy.

Ryan Jones
Founder, SmartTrading