Think potatoes are ‘basic’? Well, think again...

Because they are one of the greatest vegetables to ever exist. They're affordable, they're versatile and a top side dish to any main.

The potato is arguably perfect and Dubai is home to some great iterations of this beautiful ingredient.

So here are a handful of dishes you have to try next time you're dining out:

If only you could see my camera roll, then you'd understand just how stunning these potatoes are. Thinly sliced, layered and fried until crispy and delicious. They also come with an Aleppo chili dip that's to die for.

There aren’t many sides that I would order at every single visit, but this has to be one of them. It’s rich, it’s creamy, there’s a whiff of nutmeg and it’s probably the best potato gratin I've had the joy of encountering (so far).

The fluffy spud is utterly delicious and the flavours from the yuzu cream and chives do a fantastic job at elevating this dish. The skin is super crunchy and the inside is all soft and squishy. A great mix of textures.

Dubbed the "best mashed potato in the world", it's easy to understand why once you've taken a bite. Made with just four ingredients – potatoes, butter, milk and salt – it's silky, creamy and very luxurious. That's probably because there's more butter in there than potato. So maybe pace yourself with this one.

But over to you... What are your fave potato dishes in Dubai? What taters can’t you stop thinking about?

Slide into my inbox at because I need to know.

Until then… stay hydrated besties,


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