
Hi VB Reader,

Sure, you have a beautiful app, but if your load times are too slow and your file sizes are too large, you're leaving money on the table. The mandate is clear: Your mobile game needs to start up in five seconds, or you’ll start to churn players.

It’s a tough balancing act between delivering rich content and letting players enjoy the game without a painful loading screen. And in some countries, speed and minimalism are a must, not a nice-to-have, if you're going to succeed.

We're going to take a deep dive in the best practice for reducing load times across both the mobile web and apps. We'll look at screen load micro-data and how slow load times are killing publishers in the mobile arena.

In this webinar, you'll:

* Identify the best practices for optimizing load times for games with rich content
* Find out the risks are if you fail to optimize load times, including the dangers associated with global reach
* Discover what to do first, and which technologies can help you get there quicker

* Secil Watson, EVP Head of Digital Solutions, Wells Fargo
* David Holtkamp, CEO, Crimson Moon
* Jonathan Meson, CEO, VisualBlasters
* Martín Domínguez, CIO at Etermax
* Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat

Register now, then watch live or on demand.


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