Ultimate Screening Summit is BACK! Dear DEREK, We’ve heard you loud and clear!
If you missed the first-ever Ultimate Screening Summit last week, you’re not alone.
The response has been overwhelming—
But some of you who missed it are NOT happy!
That’s why Dr. Pescatore decided to open up his Ultimate Screening Summit for one more day.
Please don’t miss it again!
Take a moment right now and watch the full event, which is streaming again right here until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT:  You can think of this as your guide to the life-saving tests you SHOULD be getting—but probably aren’t...
And the simple steps you can take—starting TODAY—to get PERFECT SCORES across the board.
In just this one short interview, you’ll hear about: - The 30-cent vitamin combination that can reduce your risk of 6 major health threats...
- The all-important question to ask your doctor that can help you live longer...
- 1 overlooked heart attack signal you should NEVER ignore.
- How you can get answers beyond what's included in your typical annual physical...
- And how easy it can be to take action if your results aren’t what they should be.
Don’t wait—the Ultimate Screening Summit replay will only be available until MIDNIGHT tonight, and then we’ll be closing the event down.
Watch it now.
Karen Reddel