Hello Readers, it is I, the newly minted outdoorswoman, Karin Slaughter, here with a brief Public Service Announcement: If you are planning a trip into the wilderness, you need to be prepared for anything. You are going to need to learn some basic survival skills such as fishing, building a fire, bandaging wounds, and solving a murder. At least that is what Will Trent and Sara Linton have to do in my new book, THIS IS WHY WE LIED, which goes on sale in the United States TODAY!! HURRAY FOR TODAY!!!

Wow, it’s called THIS IS WHY WE LIED? Sounds like a masterful puzzle. Could be your best yet!! What’s it about? 

Why thank you for asking, Dear Reader, you are too kind. THIS IS WHY WE LIED is a locked room mystery set in a secluded resort called the McAlpine Lodge, where Will Trent and Sara Linton are on their honeymoon (woohoo!). Then—murder. McAlpine Lodge is the perfect place (for murder). The lodge is run by a large, dysfunctional family, and there are many guests who are possible suspects (because there’s a murder). In addition to the mystery, the remote location is very suspenseful and quite scary (and also murdery).

OHHH that sounds good. Tell me more.

Well, I don’t want to spoil anything. But I do want to tell you that this book has twists and turns, murder and mayhem, and all of your favorite WILL TRENT characters (except Betty, because Betty is too much of a princess to rough it outdoors). And since Will and Sara are on their honeymoon, it has love, and romance and sexy bathtubbing, too. It’s also got all of the goods that you’ve come to expect from a Karin Slaughter thriller. Oh, did I mention murder?

But don’t take it from me. Here is what readers around the world are saying:

What do you mean “readers around the world?!?!” Do you mean to tell me other countries get to read THIS IS WHY WE LIED before we get to read it in the U.S.?

Yes. Yes, indeed. As we speak, THIS IS WHY WE LIED is rolling out worldwide. Readers who love murder have already made it a huge bestseller in:

Holland & Belgium (June 11th, 2024)

The United Kingdom (June 20th, 2024)

Ireland (June 20th, 2024)

South Africa (June 20th, 2024)

Australia & New Zealand (July 3rd, 2024)

Germany (July 23rd, 2024)

And THIS IS WHY WE LIED will soon be available for readers in**:

Italy – September 1st, 2024

Denmark – September 12th, 2024

Brazil – September 24th, 2024

Poland, Czech, Sweden, Norway – October, 2024

**For other countries not listed, please check your local HarperCollins website.

But wait, I’m not located in any of those countries. I’m located in the United States of America, and I want to see you live and in person!!

Reader, you are in luck. As I send this email, I am also jet-setting across the USA on my book tour, visiting bookstores, signing books for fans, talking about how I am now an expert of all things outdoorsy (like knot-tying and belaying), and generally having a good time. Why don’t you come out and see me as we revel in the fun! All of my tour stops are listed below.

WAAAAH! You aren’t coming to a town near me. What should I do instead!?!

Listen, I’m a professional river guide, not a self-help guru, but I can tell you are upset. When I get upset nothing makes me happier than sitting with my cat and binge reading a good book or binge watching a good T.V. show. And you are in luck!! Because you can binge read THIS IS WHY WE LIED and then binge watch the first two seasons of WILL TRENT on ABC or Hulu so you’re ready when the third season comes out. See?? Problem solved! If only all of life’s dilemmas—like picking the best fly-fishing lure or figuring out how to read a map—were so easily solved.

So go get you some THIS IS WHY WE LIED or watch some WILL TRENT or purchase that bear spray that you’ve been meaning to buy forever or just go for a long walk in the woods but for the love of all that is holy, whatever you do, don’t walk alone in the woods. It’s not safe.


Oh, I see you are still reading this and are perhaps looking for the unsubscribe because you don’t remember signing up for my newsletter back when you were footloose and fancy-free and now you have responsibilities and I get it we are all adults but hey, why don’t you take a little time for yourself and enjoy some THIS IS WHY WE LIED?  I am sure the kids won’t starve and the house will clean itself and your student loans will pay themselves off and also I am 100% certain you need a reward so why not treat yourself?