Tonight’s offer has drawn over 190 phone calls and a lot of questions.
Stansberry Research

Dear Reader,

Tonight's offer has drawn over 190 phone calls and a lot of questions.

If you haven't seen the offer yet – until midnight tonight, I'm offering you a charter spot in my newest Stansberry release, Pro Trader… for 50% OFF the standard entry price for my research.

After tonight, we may never make this offer again.

QUESTION: Why are you making this offer?

ANSWER: Because I believe America will soon be hit by a huge financial crisis… which could cause the biggest stock market crash since 2008.

In my new Pro Trader research service, I use a technique I've been using for 31 years to profit from crashes. For example, you could have doubled your money 10 different times using my technique in 2008.

Frankly, I love trading market crashes…

Back in 1987, for example, I made 10 times my money before Black Monday. And back in the dot com crash, I made a fortune in a single morning.

That's why, as the next crisis approaches, I'm letting you try Pro Trader risk-free for the next 30 days to see this for yourself.

QUESTION: What kind of results can I expect?

ANSWER: I just heard from a man who made back the cost of his entire membership fee on his very first trade… in the space of a few hours.

It all depends on your commitment.

As Laura B. said, "I actually get up every morning and look forward to doing this. I have made over $20,000."

Bob P. says, "I've made about $15,000 in three weeks."

QUESTION: How are results like that possible?

ANSWER: My technique doesn't involve buying stocks.

Instead – you will use an approach to the trading world that allows you to make 5 to 10 times higher gains than conventional "buy-and-hold investing"…

… in a fraction of the usual holding time…

… no matter what happens to the markets along the way. That's how 2008 was the most successful year of my career. I expect a similar opportunity very soon.

Just remember: I'm closing this offer tonight at midnight.

And to make you this offer – we're doing something for the first time ever… which we may never do again. So if you're interested, I urge you to click here now and learn more before midnight tonight.

Best regards and good trading,

Jeff Clark
Senior Analyst
Stansberry Research

P.S. Here's another question…

QUESTION: How do I know if Pro Trader is right for me?

ANSWER: Try a few trading recommendations… and compare your results with some of the feedback we've gotten.

As Tim K. told us, "On numerous occasions, I've made over $10K in a few days." 

30 days should be enough time for you to begin using this technique and see how well it works for you.

That's why, if you're undecided – I recommend you simply sign up today before we end this charter offer. That way you get the best deal… and can still receive a 100% refund in 30 days if you're unhappy.

Click here before midnight for the full details.

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