Nicotine in e-cigarettes can give you a boost, stimulating a peak in your heart rate, but toxins in the vapor are risky for your health.
Heart Health
February 20, 2020
This Is Your Heart on E-Cigarettes
Nicotine in e-cigarettes can give you a boost, stimulating a peak in your heart rate, but toxins in the vapor are risky for your health.
6 Exercises When You Have A-Fib
Find out how cardiac rehab, yoga, and swimming can help you stay healthy and keep your heart in rhythm.
4 Ways to Lower Triglycerides and Prevent Heart Disease
High triglyceride levels can be bad for your heart. Learn how to lower triglycerides with lifestyle changes, and how medications may also help.
4 Sleep Problems Related to Heart Failure and 5 Ways to Manage Them
Sleep apnea, orthopnea, and periodic limb movement can all contribute to daytime sleepiness if you have heart failure. Find out what to do.
Gout Diet and Eating to Help Prevent Gout
Eating to help prevent gout is an important strategy for managing this type of arthritis. Learn about gout and your diet, including gout causes, how you get gout, and how to prevent gout through diet and medication.
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