Write a letter to the editor of your local paper
free press action fund
Write a letter to the editor for Net Neutrality.

Hi there,

It’s August, which means that members of Congress are on recess and home in their districts. Many are also in full campaign mode as we head into the November midterm elections.

This means you have an opportunity to get your rep’s attention: They’ll spend the next few weeks meeting with constituents, attending local community events — and reading their local papers. Let's seize this opportunity to urge our lawmakers to sign on to the Congressional Review Act resolution to restore Net Neutrality.

Could you write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? Check out our user-friendly tool, talking points and writing tips.

We need you to remind your rep that the only place Net Neutrality is a partisan issue is in the United States Congress.

Net Neutrality enjoys overwhelming bipartisan support, and a recent poll found that the majority of voters will take Net Neutrality into account as they head to the polls in November.1

It’s time our elected officials listen to their constituents — not high-paid ISP lobbyists. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper today.

As the summer progresses, and campaigning around the midterm elections intensifies, it’s critical that our elected officials know that we’re invested in the Net Neutrality fight.

Writing a letter to the editor is a great way to send a message to your rep and your community about the importance of the open internet.

Restoring Title II Net Neutrality is about preserving civil rights online. The open internet is a place where movements are born, where communities often ignored or stereotyped by mainstream media can tell their own stories, and where families, friends and people who might have never before connected can build community. Will you help us save the internet?

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather, Lucia, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. The future of the internet is too important to hand over to enormous corporations that care only about their financial bottom lines. Use our handy tool to write a letter to the editor about Net Neutrality.

1. “Survey: Net Neutrality Could Be Midterm Issue,” Multichannel News, July 25, 2018: https://act.freepress.net/go/24709?t=9&akid=9897%2E10296224%2E0DekqN

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at freepress.net.

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