Comcast now has unbridled power to silence our voices


FCC Chairman Pai doesn’t care about the millions of people like you who have been fighting to save the open internet. He and the other Republican commissioners who voted to destroy Net Neutrality have forgotten that the FCC is supposed to serve the public — not Comcast.

We’re taking the FCC to court to restore the open-internet rules. We’re in for a costly and drawn-out legal battle and need your help to win.

Please chip in $10 (or whatever you can) to fund the fight.



We’re suing the FCC to overturn its shameful decision to destroy the Net Neutrality rules. Chip in $10 (or whatever you can) to help us win.


When FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and the two other Republican commissioners ignored the voices of millions of people like you and voted to ditch the Title II Net Neutrality rules, they abandoned all pretense of serving the public interest.

This isn’t normal — or even remotely OK — so we’re taking the FCC to court.

We intend to sue the agency on the basis of its broken process, deeply flawed legal reasoning and absolute disregard for public input.

We have a very strong case in court but anticipate a long, costly battle.

Donate $10 (or whatever you can) to help us beat the FCC in court — and restore the Title II Net Neutrality rules.

There’s no denying that the FCC’s decision is a massive handout to companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon — at the public’s expense.

These companies now have unbridled power to silence our voices and restrict where we go and what we do online. This is terrifying for everyone using the internet to organize for justice and challenge the powerful.

We refuse to let Pai and his enablers have the last word on Net Neutrality — and our democracy. And with your support, they won’t.

With thanks—

Dutch, Carrie, Candace and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. Our Net Neutrality lawsuit against the FCC isn’t the only one we have in the works. We've sued once already this year and are preparing a second suit to overturn an FCC vote that paved the way for greater media consolidation. We won’t hesitate to sue over other issues in the future. Donate $10 or more today to help us defeat the FCC in court. Thank you!

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