Beginning July 1, FedNow will be released. Chances are, you have no idea what President Biden set in motion by signing Executive Order 14067 last year...

This July, the U.S. Dollar's Biggest Innovation in 51 Years

Beginning July 1, FedNow will be released.

Chances are, you have no idea what President Biden set in motion by signing Executive Order 14067 last year...

But this July, we'll see the release of a new money platform that will be adopted by the U.S. Treasury, Social Security, and more, opening the ground floor of a rare investment.

In short, the U.S. dollar is "going crypto."

And according to a top currency expert...

"If you get positioned BEFORE July 1, you could make 3,050% on the U.S. dollar's biggest innovation in 51 years."

Click here to learn more.


Brett Eversole