Dear Derek,

Over the last few years, our best gains have come from buying companies entering their first wave of growth.

The trick is finding the right ones, and Paul does an excellent job of it here. This video breaks everything down.

It also includes details on one of the most exciting innovators we’ve ever recommended — a next-generation technology firm that dozens of global automakers are working with to bring the electric vehicle market to its next level!

It may be your best chance for gains as high as 300% over the next year. Again, full details are here.

— Amber

From: Paul Mampilly
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021
Subject: My Hunt for the Next $10 Billion Stock

Bold Profits Daily

Dear Derek,

If you want to make big money in the stock market, I have one piece of advice…

Buy innovators.

Buy radical technology disruptors.

Last year we saw the start of a new boom in innovation stocks that we haven’t seen in more than 20 years.

If you missed the first wave, don’t sweat it. In my view, the next one will be bigger.

Whatever you do — just make sure you’re not just buying the big companies everyone knows about.

If you want to make the big money … the real money … you have to go one step further.

In this video I highlight one of these “next-level” stocks as well as the enormous gains we’ve already seen on a few of them.

These are companies experiencing their first wave of growth — these aren’t speculative small caps that don’t have a product yet. They’re true businesses.

They’re already worth a couple billion dollars in most cases.

And many will go on to be tens of billions.

The trick? You have to buy them before that happens.

Here’s how I find the best ones. I break everything down so you can start putting the market’s future leaders in your portfolio today.

Click here if you are unable to see the image.


Paul Mampilly
Editor, Bold Profits Daily


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