Hi John,

Leaf crunching, soup making, and apple snacking are just a few of my favorite things about this special season. Pair it all with open-ended art projects and you have what may be the best way to make art with kids this fall!

It's meaningful for children when there's a connection between the seasons and an open-ended art table, bringing inspiration from what we see and feel outdoors to creative projects.

Open-ended art allow children to focus on the process more than the product, promoting:

★ Creative thinking skills

★ Critical thinking skills

★ Iterations and experiments

★ Problem solving and problem posing

★ Independent thinking

★ A growth mindset

★ Fine motor skills

Would you like to make open-ended art this fall?

I assembled some of my favorite fall art explorations as a creative companion on these chillier days.

Autumn Art Exploration Pack:

Included in this pack:

Try an activity a day for a full week of autumn imagination and creativity, or spread it out over the next few months 🍂

I hope you enjoy this - message me with any questions or ideas.



Founder, TinkerLab

p.s. Feel free to share this email with friends. ❤

p.p.s. Learn more about open-ended art here.