John, there's nothing more relevant to your life and happiness today, than the information shared by these 6 channels in The Great Awakening 👇

If you read it and don't agree, I’ll give you 5 minutes on the phone to vent (with me personally), and then you can return your purchase. YOU CAN EVEN KEEP YOUR PREORDER BONUSES, see below!

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John, to celebrate the book's release in 4 DAYS, I’m hosting a CHANNELED EVENT on October 1. I’ll be joined byVagrein, The Council, The Founders, and The 9D Arcturians❤️❤️❤️

I'll be asking them:

🔹 What does the prophesized apocalypse & Armageddon really mean? 

🔹 How can we navigate collapsing systems & forge better ones? 

🔹 How will manifesting techinques change in the immediate future?

🔹 What steps can we take to activate our latent superpowers? 

🔹 How can we receive support from higher realms and our ET family?! 

🔹 What simple shifts can we make day-to-day to allow for smoother sailing? 

Get your FREE TICKET to see them LIVE – only 4 DAYS remain.

Go out on a limb, John! I'll see you there!

P.S. John, please don't miss this. You have NOTHING to lose and much to gain. You’ll also get to hear the wisdom contained in The Great Awakening firsthand, from the channelers themselves.

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